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Struggles of a Father’s Love

Metro Waterproofing Main Stage

Saturday, 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM
April 22, 2023


Featured Event Rental

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Struggles of a Father’s Love

Metro Waterproofing Main Stage

Saturday, 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM
April 22, 2023


LAC Featured Event Rental

Struggles of a Father's Love
Presented by From School to Possibilities & Terror Dome Entertainment

April 22, 2023 @ 3:00PM

Content advisory: Suitable for ages 18+

April 22, 2023
Saturday at 3:00PM
on the Metro Waterproofing Main Stage

Running time: 90 minutes • One 15-min intermission

Ticket Prices

  • From 4/1/23 to 4/21/23:
    • $30.00 - Standard
    • $40.00 - Premium

  • Door Price on 4/22/23:
    • $45.00 - All Seats